Color Palette
Primary Colors
Our color palette is a vital and distinctive aspect of our identity. Properly utilizing these colors is a simple yet effective way to ensure consistency in all our materials, reflecting a cohesive Saint Mary’s brand. It is essential to maintain dominance of Lasallian Navy and have SMC Red as the primary accent color.
Lasallian Navy
CMYK: 100 / 84 / 39 / 32
RGB: 20 / 50 / 87
HEX #143257
PMS: 534 C
CMYK: 9 / 98 / 89 / 1
RGB: 216 / 39 /50
HEX #D82732
PMS: 1795 C
Secondary Colors
The secondary supporting colors, representing the diverse hues observed around campus, should complement and flow consistently throughout any given piece or series of materials. While Lasallian Navy and SMC Red should still be the primarily used colors, one to three secondary colors may be used in addition on any given deliverable.
Opacity and Color Matching
Colors should be used primarily at 100% opacity, but for optimal legibility and variety, each of the colors in the palette can also be used at opacities of 70%, 40%, and 20%. Depending on the application, correct color match should be utilized (CMYK, RGB, HEX, or Pantone).
By adhering to these color guidelines, we reinforce the strong visual presence and unified identity that defines Saint Mary’s College of California.
The Cross
CMYK: 18 / 12 / 22 / 0
RGB: 209 / 210 / 196
PMS: 7527 C
Gael Gray
CMYK: 53 / 33 / 34 / 1
RGB: 129 / 149 / 155
HEX #81959B
PMS: 5497 C
Canyon Trees
CMYK: 91 / 47 / 55 / 28
RGB: 10 / 91 / 94
PMS: 7476 C
The Bay
CMYK: 56 / 3 / 25 / 0
RGB: 108 / 194 / 195
PMS: 7472 C
California Skies
CMYK: 75 / 17 / 10 / 0
RGB: 19 / 163 / 206
PMS: 901 C
Moraga Sun
CMYK: 5 / 27 / 95 / 0
RGB: 242 / 186 / 42
PMS: 7409 C
Chapel Lawn
CMYK: 64 / 24 / 87 / 6
RGB: 103 / 147 / 79
HEX #67934F
PMS: 2278 C
Legacy Garden
CMYK: 2 / 35 / 31 / 0
RGB: 243 / 179 / 162
PMS: 488 C
Fountain Water
CMYK: 63 / 30 / 9 / 0
RGB: 98 / 152 / 195
HEX #6298C3
PMS: 2170 C
The Chapel
CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RGB: 255 / 255 / 255
Office of Marketing and Communications
Office of Marketing and Communications